The Model Aeronautics Association of Canada is the Club’s Governing Body. The Club is affiliated and Sanctioned by M.A.A.C. and will adhere to the M.A.A.C. Safety Code, Rules and Regulations. MAAC rules can be found HERE Any Aircraft / helicopter / drone flying at our club or another MAAC field must adhere to the Transport Canada Regulations, found here: TRANSPORT CANADA REGULATIONS
In addition to MAAC rules, the following following Club Policies must be adhered to:
Pilots must use the logbook to log date, time, aircraft type and engine
Alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are not permitted at the flying field at any time.
No pets are allowed on the farm property.
A 10 KM Speed Zone is in effect on the Farm Property.
Single Pin Frequency Pin’s are allowed. Only Narrow Band Transmitters allowed.
Transmitters prior to 1991 are forbidden at the Field
No Taxing in or out of the pit area and Never Fly behind the Flight Line.
Aircraft engines must be equipped with Mufflers.
When flying, all pilots must have a current, valid M.A.A.C. membership card.
No person may fly at the field without a club membership, except as a guest.
All two-stroke gas engines must equipped with canister exhaust systems or a Bisson low db muffler
Turbine engine models are allowed after approval is obtained by the club jet instructor and chief flight instructor.
When using a turbine engine, you must:
Have within reach a non powder fire extinguisher.
Have Operating wheel brakes.
Have a Spotter/assistant when operating.
Not operate a gas turbine if the environment presents a fire risk, unless adequate precautions are taken to negate the risk.
Flying over Highway 24 or near the village of Everton is strictly forbidden.
No fly Zones are posted.
Flying must only be done within approved Fly Zones
Guests may fly twice at the Club Field or prearranged with the Executive.
Guests and New Member Pilots must have a current, valid M.A.A.C. Card and must have a Flight check by a Qualified Club Instructor prior to Flying.
Guests and new Member Pilots must be advised about NO FLY ZONES.
Non-flying guests and spectators are restricted to the spectator area and are not permitted in the pits or on the field. For safety reasons, this applies particularly to children.
Members who have not yet received their wings and are enrolled in the Club Pilot Training Program can only fly with a qualified Club Instructor.
Junior members, (under the age of 18 years of age), and have their Wings must not fly without an adult present.
There is no flying before 12:00 noon on Sundays or 9:00 A.M. on all other days.
Every member should assume responsibility for the safe and smooth operation of the club.
If a violation is taking place, the accountability for dealing with the situation falls first to the executive followed by an instructor and then a regular member.
A polite, tactful reminder to the offending party could prevent a serious accident. You have rights as a member…. you also have responsibilities.